Do You Need an Inspection for Your Tampa Home?

Selling your home? Get a free Home Value Report

When buying a home, one of the first things that you will want to do is to get a home inspection. You will almost always have to pay for it as a buyer, but you absolutely need to do this.

A home inspector ensures that everything is in good condition. This applies more to the foundational structures in the home such as the roof, plumbing, electrical wiring, appliances, and more. You need to be sure that you're buying a structurally sound home, and a home inspector can tell you if you are or not.

Another thing that you might hear about is a wind mitigation report. This is required with insurance and it is to make sure that the home will be able to withstand high winds. If your home passes this test, you can get a discount on insurance, but if it doesn't pass, you may have a major problem. You won't be able to get insurance, and you'll either have to get a credit from the seller or look for a new home. 

There will also be a 4 Point inspection for older homes. This is an in-depth look to make sure that the older home will still pass muster for the next buyer.

If something comes up in a home inspection, you (as a buyer) can back out of the sale and get your escrow deposit back. This is why a home inspection is so important. You'll be paying for it, but it is money that's well-spent.

If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact me. The inspection is a very critical part of the buying process.